August 24, 2011

Why Change is All About Perseverance

Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts. – Arnold Bennett, English novelist

Change is inevitable. We all know that. Try as we might, it’s impossible to go through a significant period of time without experiencing change, whether it’s positive or negative.

As I’ve grown older, I’ve learned that change occurs more frequently and unexpectedly. This is both a good and bad thing. Good because it keeps life fresh and interesting. Bad because we’re not always ready for certain changes when they’re dumped on us without warning.

My coworker, Sarah Collica, wrote a great post recently about how adapting and evolving are key to surviving change. And she’s absolutely right. We always have choices in life. No, we don’t have the pleasure of choosing how our lives shake out detail by detail. But we do have control of how we handle each new opportunity or challenge that we face. And how we handle change is the most important part.

Don’t be fooled by the size of change when it comes to determining the magnitude of impact. What may be a minor change to one person is an enormous change to another. It was a big deal to me when I changed my Twitter handle to @nikkistephan from @EstrellaBella10. My friend, Elena Wollborg, just went through the same internal debate and transition (read her post for all the details). Now, if you aren’t on Twitter, you may be scoffing at the fact that we both stressed about this change. But if you are on Twitter, then you get it. We all perceive change differently. Once again, it all comes down to how we handle change and how we grow from each new experience – both positive and negative.

It’s obvious from my recent post that change is on my mind. I’m making a big change this Saturday when I get married. And I’ve been surrounded by changes for the past month. To give you an idea of what I’m talking about:

  • One of my bridesmaids got engaged.
  • A friend from high school had a baby.
  • Another friend from high school shared news that she’s pregnant.
  • A friend is dealing with a job transition.
  • A friend ended a four-year relationship.
  • A friend’s dad had a heart attack and learned he must change his lifestyle because he had 99% blockage in his arteries.
  • Two friends who were supposed to attend my wedding moved out of Michigan in the past month and can’t make the trip back.
  • My 96-year-old grandmother’s doctor told her she can no longer live on her own and must move from her apartment at a senior living home to a nursing home that provides around-the-clock care.

Some of these are happy changes. Others…not so welcomed. But they all come along with their own unique challenges and struggles. You know how we handle good and bad changes like the ones I mentioned? We persevere.

That’s really what it all boils down to when you put change into perspective. The best way to deal with change is through perseverance. I know it’s easier said than done, but it’s the wisest option. Keep charging ahead, and never look back longer than you’re looking forward.

And with that, I’m off to make the most of the last three days before I make a crazy big change! But, I’d love to hear your thoughts on handling change, how you embrace/fight it and how it’s made you a better person.

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