February 24, 2008

Not All Talented Young Pros Leave MI

Contrary to the fact that a recent study says Michigan can’t retain highly-skilled, educated workers, one Royal Oak company is doing just that — pulling in young, talented workers from across the country. RTT USA, Inc. is a German-based company specializing in 3D visualization software that creates computer-generated renderings of products that are used in industrial design, marketing and advertising. This uber-cool company is rapidly making a mark on Oakland County and Michigan as a whole.

This is the type of story that needs to be told more often — one that proves that Michigan is a desirable state for young, educated workers (especially in the tech/design industry). So if you’re like me and are beyond exhausted of reading stories about Michigan’s economic woes (or the 138595 billion stories about Detroit’s mayor that you can’t hide from unless you live under a rock), make an honest effort to read the positive stories about companies in our state that are thriving and prospering. You’ll be surprised to find that there are an abundance of companies like RTT — and many more whose stories have yet to be told.