October 2, 2012

Some Big News From the Littles

I hate keeping secrets when I have exciting news to share, so trust me when I tell you that it’s been a difficult two months. So, let me get right to it. Mike and I are beyond excited to share that I’m pregnant…WITH IDENTICAL TWINS!!!

Twin Numero Uno

Twin Numero Dos

It has been such a whirlwind since August 3, the day I found out I was pregnant. Things got even crazier and more exciting on August 30 when we found out there was not one, but two babies, growing inside of me. It still feels surreal when I tell people the news, and I don’t think reality will really hit until I see two little crying beings in the delivery room.

I’ll do my best to predict all the questions people will ask, so here’s what I can share so far:

  • I’m at 13 weeks this week.
  • Neither of us have twins in our family, but these aren’t the hereditary kind, anyway. I was not taking fertility meds. This happened totally at random! The likelihood is about one in 250.
  • My technical due date is April 12, but the doctors don’t let multiples go past 36 weeks. Pre-mature birth is very common with multiples, so if I make it to 36 weeks, we’re looking at mid March. So instead of living it up in Austin, TX at SXSW next year, I’ll be living it up with twins! Quite the difference.
  • There are three types of twins, and I have the ones in the middle, which means I’m considered moderately at-risk. The main concern is that one twin can take nutrients from the other, causing the one to grow well and the other to not. The good thing about me being considered at-risk is the doctors monitor me very closely to make sure both babies are growing the same. I’m all for it. And so far, so good.
  • Mike and I are so excited! Anyone who knows me well knows that I’m slightly freaking out on the inside, but it’s just because I hate not knowing things and not knowing what to expect. I’m fully aware that I can plan all I want, but Mike and I will just have to learn as we go.
  • If you have advice, I welcome any and all of it! Don’t feel like you’re bugging me if you want to share words of wisdom, product recommendations, whatever.
  • Aside from the typical exhaustion and nausea, I’m feeling pretty good. I have some weird aches and can’t even look at or think about certain foods, but nothing out of the ordinary. I’m still hoping to run the Detroit Free Press 5K on October 21, though I may do a mix of running and walking.
  • We should find out the gender some time around mid November. Yes, we’ll share the gender, but we aren’t sharing names. And in my mind, they’re girls until proven otherwise!
  • I have every intention of continuing to work. Though I can’t fully predict what my life will be like with two newborns, I have high hopes that I can balance a career and motherhood. Yes, I’ll have to take a step back from certain commitments for a while until I can get adjusted, and you’ll see me at fewer events, but don’t expect me to completely go MIA. And, we’ll be very open to visitors…or extra helpers!
  • I’m using my blog to announce the big news, but I won’t be turning it into a parenting blog.
  • Ernie (aka Big Ern), our beloved cat and Mike’s first baby, will probably hate his brothers or sisters at first, but we’re hoping he learns to love them. It’s going to be tough for him to deal with moving lower on the priority list, but he’ll be OK. Let’s just hope one of the babies isn’t allergic to cats!

Hopefully I addressed most questions, but if you have others, feel free to leave them in the comments.

I will absolutely use social media to share this journey, but I promise to not inundate you with posts and photos. And for anyone wondering whether the girl who live streamed her wedding will also live stream her first birth – NO!

Thank you in advance to everyone who has sent and will send us congratulations and well wishes. Your love and support is beyond appreciated. Mike and I have a long journey ahead, but then again, five months is going to fly by! Please keep me and the twins in your thoughts and prayers so we come out of this with two happy, healthy and fully-grown babies!

Photo credit